Root of USA division

The Root of America’s Division
Timothy Keller writes: “Karl Marx and others have charged that religion is ‘the opiate of the masses.’ That is, it is a sedative that makes people passive toward injustice. . . That may be true for some religions that teach people that this material world is unimportant or illusory. . . Christianity, however, teaches that God hates the suffering and oppression of the material world so much, He was willing to get involved in it and fight against it. Properly understood, Christianity is by no means the opiate of the people. It is more like the smelling salts.”
The major political parties in America are content with spiritual and moral education being absent from our culture because enlightenment encourages people to unite. The United Creed is passionate about terminating the political parties’ control over American minds. If you study the classroom, you will see the future of the country’s culture in twenty years. The average American student spends 180 days in a classroom every year.
My great uncle, Joe Pirtle, was the superintendent for Belton ISD in central Texas. Uncle Joe used to say something like, “I really believe that no matter where you grow up, or from what part of town you come from, education is the path to put everyone on the same level.” I agree with Uncle Joe, and I believe that Americans have a duty to provide all children the education they need to live a moral life filled with inner wellness and freedom from evil.
Slowly, over many generations, our public education system has removed spiritual and moral education from the classroom. Americans have lost the education that inspires wisdom, morals, and honor for one another. American education has been reduced to one that teaches kids how to serve those in power and neglect the God of goodness. This environment has produced a “survival of the fittest” mentality in our culture. Americans have forgotten the importance of honoring and loving others as we love ourselves. We have lost our national conscience. We have neglected the Golden Rule.
The United Creed recognizes we are one nation, united as children of God. America’s spiritual roots run deep and wide. America’s founding documents, like the Mayflower Compact, The Declaration of Independence, and the writings of the founders clearly indicate a deep concern about spiritual enrichment. The founders of America knew that morality is an essential part of making our democracy work. They learned this from the ancient Greek civilization.
The goal of ancient Greek education was to liberate students from the inside, to make them free thinkers, and prepare them to contribute to society. A free-thinking culture was the foundation that made the Greek civilization thrive for so many years. Early American education embodied similar spiritual and intellectual principles. As we have lost the spiritual element of our culture, we have lost the ability to talk with one another, and we have become a divided population that talks against one another.
Political Division
The major political parties in America do not want to equip the population with the intellectual tools needed to expose their divisive system. They have nurtured the “survival of the fittest” culture that characterizes our country today. Such a culture always leads to isolation, and isolation always leads to division. When people embrace a divisive spirit, they are not likely to love others. People committed to a dysfunctional ideology tend to only hang around people who think, look, or act like themselves. People start to fall into various labels (gender, race, religion, and political party), and political leaders and their pundits use these labels to divide Americans and win votes that will preserve their power. Each party demonizes the other to win votes and donations to the party. This hateful rhetoric has devastated American culture. It has created the division that prevents us from solving the serious problems we have in our country.
Politics will change when culture changes, culture will change when we take responsibility to Be Golden. Many political leaders and their media are on a mission to divide us; they do this to prevent us from understanding how powerful Americans are as a united people. They have made a deliberate attempt to distract us and disconnect us from morality and inner wellness. When you zoom out and look at our current state it becomes easy to see they are on a mission to suppress our full potential and misguide us into serving their divisive system.
Americans are at a pivotal point in history. It is time for all of us to Be Golden. If Americans continue playing into a divisive political agenda, our culture and politics will continue to deteriorate. If people think it’s bad now, it can get far worse. The outcome of the leftist ideology is communism, and the outcome of conservative ideology is ultra-nationalist authoritarianism. That’s where the parties are taking us. We need to meet in the middle before the divisive political landscape in America implodes. It is time for us to stop playing into the division that the political pundits have created. Our enemy is not the Republican or Democratic parties, our enemy is division because division is what prevents us from solving the serious issues we face as a country.
The Powerful Truth
Americans have nothing to fear. We need to snap out of our current mindset to rediscover morality and virtue. We have fallen into a spiritually bankrupt culture where we worship the tools that enslave us to division. The United Creed inspires Americans to follow the Golden Rule, focusing on the founding principles of morality and virtue. Our approach makes room for the fruit of the spirit to heal our country.
Americans have the responsibility to look behind the curtain of our divisive political system. When we do this, we will find that the system is fragile and has no real power to enslave us. Problems rarely get solved from the far-right and far left of the political spectrum. The United Creed invites Americans to unite square in the center of the political spectrum. The middle is where we can solve our serious cultural problems. We believe commitment to the Golden Rule will guide us there.
Share our message on your socials, tell your friends about us. Help us reach our goal of 100,000 members. Be a part of helping the Creed Party organization breath morality and virtue back into American culture.
We believe it is urgent for our generation to act because the political parties and their media machines have manipulated Americans by holding us in a state of constant fear. When we decide to step outside of their system, we realize our true identity as children of God. When we recognize that every human being is a child of God, it is natural to Be Golden.