Near Death Experience

Spiritual Awareness
Raymond Moody is a physician, philosopher, psychologist, and author known for his books about life after death and near-death experiences. He is the thinker who coined the phrase “near-death experience.” In his bestselling book Life after Life (1975), Moody describes the near-death experience as a feeling of one’s soul leaving the body, experiencing the spiritual realm, and then returning to the body.
According to Dr. Moody, near-death experiences have a common pattern that have been described by people all over the world. A person undergoing serious trauma may hear someone tell them they are dead. This is a surprise to them because they’ve never felt more alive than when they hear someone tell them that their physical body is dead. From their point of view, they feel they have distanced themselves from their body, and they may even observe medical professionals trying to save their life, typically from a point of view above it. As the experience progresses, they eventually realize that they may have died. Many recall traveling through a passageway into a beautiful light; they feel comfort, peace, and joy. They may meet relatives and friends that have died. Then, everything they have done may be displayed all around them in a sort of holographic three-dimensional panorama.
Healing American Culture
These experiences typically give people a new perspective on life. They may become deeply committed to learning how to live with love and compassion. They also say they no longer have a fear of death because they now understand that death is just a transition into some other desirable reality.
Near-death experiences transcend culture. People in India that practice Hinduism have similar experiences as people in America who are Christian or Jewish. Dr Moody’s research suggests that religion does not characterize the near-death experience. People who go through a near-death experience generally do not describe an encounter with a hostile and domineering God; they report being in the presence of compassion and love. After a near-death experience, people say they understand that humans have a personal relationship with a higher power that is rooted in unconditional love. The strength of that Being’s love is so powerful that nothing can change it, and it is so profound that our human brains cannot even comprehend it.
I was seconds away from dying on the operating table on March 28, 2023. I had gone in for a procedure to stop internal bleeding that my cancer treatment had caused. During the procedure, the doctor nicked a main artery. I began to hemorrhage at an uncontrollable rate. Before the crisis was over, I had been given three units of blood in the two days before my surgery, and I needed eight more units of blood for an emergency mass transfusion. My blood pressure dropped to 50/20, and I was seconds away from flatlining. The doctor told my family that there was nothing he could do for me and that I was being rushed to another area of the hospital for emergency intervention. While I did not have an out of body experience like some do when they come this close to death, my near-death experience deepened my spiritual awareness. I came away from the experience with a more profound, intimate encounter with God’s unconditional love. I can absolutely relate to that aspect of the classic near-death experience. After this experience, I feel a deeper to connection with God and receive abundant faith, hope, strength, and love from Him. I don’t encourage you to try and provoke a near death experience, but I do encourage to establish an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Unites
Dr. Moody’s work with near-death experiences demonstrates that human beings are spiritual creatures. Our spiritual nature is the only part of us that has the power to unite us. It stretches across all races, cultures, classes, ages, genders, and sexualities. Be Golden has the power to tear down the walls that have been embedded into American culture.
I was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney cancer in June of 2020. In May of 2021, it showed up on my liver. The oncologist told me it was stage 4 and very serious. In August of 2022, it appeared in several other places. My faith was shaken, and I started to consider the legacy that I would leave behind for my children. However, God brought me faith, hope, strength, and love that helped me thrive in the face of great adversity. A strong connection with God saved me from my darkest days, and the power of God has provided me with exactly what I needed to overcome the darkness. As I drew near to God, He drew near to me.
Before my near-death experience, I believed that my illness had made me a burden to the world. I asked God in prayer to show me the truth about my illness. I asked God to show me how He sees me. He gave me an image of a deer, which symbolized my innocence. He also gave me an image of Him holding me as a toddler; He was playfully tossing me in the air just like I do with my children. The Holy Spirit reminded me of His control of the situation and reminded me that I can place all my trust in Him. I have discovered that God wants to connect with all of us at this level, but American culture has completely moved away from His desires. After my near-death experience, God showed me that praying with all my heart and mind is one of the most powerful weapons I possess in my battle against the evils of my illness and America’s political disunity.
Supernatural Strength
In my suffering, I turned to God, and I found the faith, hope, strength, and love that I desperately needed. A strong connection with God, the essence of good, is a necessity for cultural healing, and prayer is the most effective way for us to communicate with the God of goodness. The good news is this: we all can receive Supernatural hope, love, and strength from the Being that holds the Universe in perfect harmony. The Holy Spirit is constantly trying to communicate with us through our hearts and minds. We are connected to Him through these channels, all of us are. We must take the time to listen to God. In fact, it is our responsibility.
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