
Discerning Good from Evil
After my near-death experience, I found myself alone in my hospital bed, intubated with a breathing tube. This is when I learned that the mind and heart are some of the greatest tools that God created for our communication with Him. I realized that God had given me spiritual eyes, my mind’s eye—what I see when I close my eyes in meditation. I found that the enemy had interfered with God’s communication with me and often disguised himself to make it difficult for me to know who was speaking to me.
There are dark energies that hate God and humanity. Some religious traditions know these dark energies as dark energy or demons. I call this dark energy the enemy, the evil assaults against us are real and intentional. The enemy intends to disconnect us from God’s goodness living within us. As I learned how to meditate, it became important that I learned to recognize the voice of my Creator, the God of goodness, the Being that created the entire Universe, and then reject whatever isn’t coming from God.
I realized that evil does not have the power to flawlessly create a peaceful and harmonious existence. The enemy twists and distorts God’s perfect Creation. My struggle with cancer revealed to me that one of the enemy’s favorite tricks was to fool me into thinking he is God, and that is why he hacked into the same means that God used to communicate with me. The enemy tried to get into my mind and heart to plant a lie that led me towards inner darkness.
Can you imagine how the cultural landscape in America could transform if people developed the capacity to recognize what is coming from the essence of God and the rejected whatever isn’t coming from Him? I have found the best way to learn this discipline is to study Scripture and understand the character of God.
Scripture tells us His love for us is like that of a perfect, loving father. God’s communication is always life giving, consistent with Scripture, and aligned with God’s character. When we experience feelings or thoughts in our hearts or minds that conflict with God’s word and character, then we can be assured it is not God who is communicating with us, and we should reject the message.
My own inner voice sometimes compromised my ability to recognize God’s voice in meditation. My personal will can overshadow what God is trying to show me. That is why it became important for me to ask God out loud to speak over the noise of my inner voice, to verbally surrender my will, and ask God to show me what He has for me, God spoke to me powerfully through Freedom Prayer.
Remaining in the Holy Spirit of God
Freedom Prayer entails asking God in meditation to exchange a lie for spiritual truth. Freedom Prayer is designed to help us to forgive others, which brings healing to our inner wounds. This type of prayer guides us in confessing our own sins to God and repenting from them in a lasting way. Freedom Prayer has helped me find inner freedom and wellness in times of intense adversity. This type of connection with the Holy Spirit is a compass of joy, but it is completely ignored in American culture.
A healthy relationship with God requires spending time and meditating with His Holy Spirit. While I was battling cancer, I saw anger present in my life. Freedom Prayer helped me see that I was believing a lie from the enemy: I believed that God had abandoned me and left me out to dry. I believed I needed to have control of my cancer situation. After my third surgery, I was in complete remission for nine months. So, my wife and I made plans to spend some time in the Florida Keys.
Immediately after we booked the trip, doctors discovered that there was new evidence of disease, and in several different places this time. I had been doing everything right—I was eating healthy, exercising, and working hard on my inner wellness. The recurrence was devastating news. Several major surgeries helped me discover that I had no control over my life, which made me very angry.
When I asked God to show me the truth about the same old lies—that God had abandoned me, I was on my own, and I must regain control—God gave me an image in my mind’s eye of Jesus holding me when I was a baby, He was holding me in His arms and rocking me like a loving parent. Father God reminded me that I was His precious child. He had always been in control, and He will always be with me. He revealed that I am a part of Him, and nothing can diminish His love for me. He taught me that I must place all my trust in Him.
Freedom Prayer meditation helped me identify lies from the enemy and replace them with the truth from God. Freedom Prayer ministry calls this activity “Doing Kingdom Business.” When I made this spiritual exercise central to my everyday life, my anger began to fade because I addressed the problem at its roots. I still struggle with anger, but Freedom Prayer has empowered me to confront it in an effective way.
Freedom Prayer Meditation
Many churches offer Freedom Prayer sessions for anyone seeking to go to God and discover inner freedom. In this setting the person seeking Freedom Prayer is accompanied by three prayer leaders. One person is responsible for helping the person ask God about what is bothering them and helping the person pray for freedom, the second person takes notes to give them after the session concludes, the third person is there to silently pray the enemy away and clear a path for the person to hear from God.
Freedom Prayer Ministry sessions are strictly confidential. The prayer leaders do not talk with anyone about what comes out in a session; they promise not to even tell their spouses. The sessions are face-to-face, loving, and relational. People exercise their voice by telling their stories. Freedom Prayer leaders ask permission to touch your shoulder if they would like to pray healing over you, or to lead in prayer. Sometimes in an informal home-ministry setting, a prayer leader will even pause and make popcorn. Prayer leaders take time to stop and laugh. They understand that the person is never the problem.
The United Creed exists to generate a movement that will clear the path for our country to cultivate a strong connection with the Holy Spirit of God. We believe this is what makes it natural for people to Be Golden (treat others the way they expect to be treated themselves). The United Creed believes Freedom Prayer should be a foundational element in the inner wellness education. I have tasted and seen that Freedom Prayer has the power to heal a person from the inside out, and I am confident that it can heal America, one person at a time.
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