Holistic Wellness Plan

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Published On: September 3, 2024Categories: Gym
A person writing in a weekly planner with a cup of coffee and a plate of fresh fruits and cheese on a wooden table.

Contact our wholistic wellness advisers with any wellness questions you have at contact@worldviewwellness.com. Our valued Holistic Wellness partners provide the services listed in this blog article. To unlock these services, visit worldviewwellness.com. Micah and Tye Jackson a formally trained and can write a holistic wellness plan specific to you.

  1. Grow your worldview! It’s our assertion that our worldview is at the foundation of many important decisions that are made every day without even thinking about them. Even the Bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” – (Hosea 4:6). The world is confusing and many factors are purposefully designed to influence these important decisions to someone else’s benefit. We can teach you how to turn this around!
  2. General wellness consultations:
    1. Fix a few minor issues, get off medication(s), or just stay healthy!
  3. Complex-chronic illness consultations:
    1. Cancer, auto-immune disease, vaccine injuries, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and more!
  4. Access to direct-to-consumer labs:
    1. Basic blood labs
    2. Complex testing for hormones, microbiome, organic acids, toxins, and more!
  5. Access to customized supplements:
    1. Take the supplements you need, not what everyone else is taking. Personalized recommendations made on our affiliate Fullscript make sure it’s YOU getting the benefit, not the pharmaceutical or supplement companies!

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