Freedom Prayer ministry

Freedom Prayer ministry addresses emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues through prayer and guided spiritual practices. It typically involves a series of sessions where trained prayer ministers help individuals identify and address areas of bondage, trauma, or spiritual oppression in their lives.
Here’s my perspective on how it generally works:
Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. The most important thing for us to do as humans (Mark 12:30-31). God communicates to us through these channels. To love God, you must have a healthy relationship with God. That means you have to give God your undivided attention and communicate with Him. Freedom Prayer provides practical tools that help us use these channels of communication to establish a strong connection with God. Investing in your connection with God is the greatest thing you can do for your family. I will walk you through the freedom prayer and meditation processes in this segment.
Before we dive in, it is important to note, one of evil’s best tricks is to try and fool us into thinking He is God, and that is why he hacks into the same channels that God uses to communicate with us. The enemy tries to get into our minds and hearts to plant spiritual lies that lead us towards sin and spiritual death. Some people do awful things and claim an inner voice told them to do it. That is why it is incredibly important for the people of our country to understand how to recognize and reject what is not coming from the God, so that we only allow the essence of good into ourselves. The best way to do that is to study scripture and understand the character of God. Scripture tells us His love for us is like that of a perfect loving father. God’s communication is ALWAYS …
- Consistent with scripture.
- Consistent with God’s Character as a good father.
- Full of grace and truth, His voice can sometimes feel convicting as He reveals how we can be a better reflection of His love, but God’s voice is never condemning. He loves you no matter what.
When we are in prayer/meditation and receive something that conflicts with any of these, then we can be assured it is not God who is communicating it and it can be dismissed/rejected. There are a couple other voices that try and interfere with and overshadow God’s communication with us. The other inner voice that competes with God’s voice is our own inner voice. Our personal will can sometimes overshadow what God is trying to show us. That is why it is important to ask God out loud to show or tell you the answer.
To understand how we can love God with all our Heart, Soul and mind. Please close your eyes and have the Holy Bible app read to you Psalms 23. Open the app, go to the bible section, find the book of psalms, and select #23. Find a quite space, then close your eyes and hit play, let the narrator read it to you as you use your mind’s eye to visualize what you are hearing. When finished, answer the questions below.
Did you get a vision of a Shepherd? What did he look like? What was he wearing? Where were you? Were you close to the shepherd? Or was he far away from you? What was surrounding you? Did that trigger a particular emotion or feeling? Did you get a vision of green pastures and still waters? Or did you get a vision of a dark valley? Where were you in this vision? Was anyone else in the vision? What was around you? Did this vision stir up an emotion? If the feeling wasn’t life giving, ask God to show you when the first time you had the negative emotion. Then ask Him if that caused you to believe a spiritual lie (I’m not worthy, something is wrong with me, I deserve punishment, etc.) Ask God to show you what the spiritual truth is about that situation, wait for Him to speak. He may give you an image in your mind, He may speak through your inner voice, he may pop some song lyrics into your mind, he will speak life into you, if you wait for Him…
Freedom prayer takes its time, it cannot be done effectively in a rush. I typically take several pauses in prayer/meditation to journal things God has communicated. Freedom prayer guides you through a process that gets you to God, so that you receive exactly what you need to face whatever darkness is present in your life. Freedom Prayer ministry calls this prayer process the fruit loop. You can use this prayer exercise as you enter freedom prayer alone. When you get good at it, you can start using the tools to help your children maintain inner freedom and wellness. Here is how it works.
The steps for the fruit loop are…
- Fruit – Ask God to reveal the bad fruit that is present in the person’s life. (anger, fear, shame, etc.)
- Root – Where did it come from and why? Trace bad fruit back to bad root. Drift back in time, invite the Holy Spirit in to show us; ask God to reveal the first time the person experienced the bad fruit, about first occurrences, origins and reasons.
- Boot – Get rid of the bad roots that are churning out the bad fruit. Bad fruit is always rooted in at least one of three things, wounding, sin, or ungodly beliefs. (Below is a “how to” overview on eliminating each one).
- Loot – Ask God what blessing He wants to give you for life and healing. Take back what was stolen. God intends for our healing and restoration to cost the enemy something.
- Scoot – What life choices and changes do I need to make to guard the freedom gained. We are practical. We make provision to walk out and defend the new ground that has been taken from the enemy. We are realists and know that every victory is product of both God’s power and human will and desire. We identify steps, decisions and actions that should be taken to make the inner freedoms permanent.
The Boot Step (expanded)- How to Eliminate Bad Roots
Bad fruit is always rooted in at least one of three things, wounding, sin, ungodly beliefs. When we partner with God to trace the bad fruit (for example… anger, shame, guilt) back to one of these roots, we can then partner with God to address the problem at the root and deliver inner healing in a lasting and sustainable way.
Matthew 18:21-22: Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!”
- Count the debt: Make a list of all the offenses/sins the person has damaged you with.
- Cancel the debt: “In the name of Jesus, I choose to forgive (say the person’s name) and cancel their debt to me.”
- Repent of judging: “Jesus, I repent of judging and instead I give all judgment to You.”
- Bless: “Lord, I bless in your name. Will you show this person how much you love them?”
- Ask for needs to be met: “Jesus, the needs I wanted to meet, I now want to be met in You. Will you meet those needs?
1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
- Reveal the sin: “God, is there any place in my life that is not yielded to your authority?”
- Get God’s perspective: “Jesus, will You show me how this sin has impacted my life?”
- Confess & Repent: “God, I confess I have chosen , but I repent of that choice today and choose to follow You.”
- Receive blessing: “I ask you, God, to fill the empty, clean places with Your forgiveness, blessing and Spirit.”
John 8:31-32: To those who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
- Reveal the lie: “Lord, what am I believing that causes inner struggle” (anger, guilt, unworthy, abandoned, whatever you are wrestling with)?
- Hear truth: “Lord, if I have been believing a lie…what is the truth?”
- Renounce the lie: “In the name of Jesus, I renounce the lie that (confess the lie you have been believing, ie I am not good enough, or I am not worthy of your love, bad things happen because something is wrong with me, etc.).”
- Declare the truth: “I receive and declare the truth (declare the truth God has communicated (ie.. nothing can change God’s love for me, there is nothing I can do that will make God love me less).” Prayer leaders may use scripture to speak truth into the lie God has revealed.
Our connection with God is our compass of joy. If the enemy tries to hijack your connection with God, simply reject his attempts. The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy, but God comes to bring life, and to bring it abundantly. When you find yourself receiving messages that is not life giving, confront it by asking God to reveal the truth about the lie the enemy is sending you.
That is why it is powerful to do Freedom Prayer at your local church. Our founders can testify that when you have the courage to team up with trained prayer leaders, you gain the advantage of teaming up together with God to free yourself from what the enemy is using to pull you into darkness. Investing in your own inner wellness is the greatest thing you can do for your child.
After you read the book Freedom Tools, we encourage you to go through Jennifer’s book Walking in Freedom. Our founders can testify that freedom prayer has the power to transform lives.
It’s important to note that freedom prayer ministry is typically conducted within a Christian context and is rooted in the belief in the power of prayer, the authority of Scripture, and the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing healing and transformation to individuals’ lives. It often complements other forms of therapy or counseling and is not intended to replace professional mental health treatment when needed.
Andy Reese and Jennifer Barnett have laid out the how to guide for establishing healthy relationship with God. We encourage everyone to read their book, Freedom Tools. We have provided our perspective on how the ministry works, but we encourage you to read the book yourself. Investing in yourself is the greatest thing you can do for your child. As you learn these tools, you can then use them to guide your children towards inner freedom and wellness.