Personal Growth
Diet Advice

When talking about the importance of our diets, we are really discussing the nutrition pillar. Our diets are our main source of nutrition, and as such, the importance of the diet is paramount. To return to the farmer/terrain analogy, eating a diet lacking in proper nutrition would be the same as a farmer planting old seeds into unprepared, dead soil. In that case, something may be able to grow but it is not going to do well or have any significant yield. If we want to have abundant health, we must make good choices concerning the foods we eat. My rule can be summed up in one simple phrase, “God food, not man food.”
To take it a step further, one of the most detrimental health conditions we face as Americans leading to massive increases in all-cause mortality (death) is metabolic syndrome, a syndrome where the whole of metabolic function has become dysfunctional, largely through lack of nutrition. As of 2016, according to the CDC, over 35% of Americans had metabolic syndrome. In 2019, a study revealed that only 12% of Americans had optimal metabolic health. A significant portion of the root cause behind this is our collective diet. A study published in 2022 revealed that as of 2018, “ultra-processed” foods made up an astonishing 57% of the average American diet, and the intake of “minimally processed” foods declined significantly, attributing to only 27.4% of the diet. Ultra-processed foods likely make up nearly 70% of our diets now if the trends have continued. With that in mind and noting that only 12% of the American population has optimal metabolic health, what is the answer?
The ketogenic diet is the main tool in the fight against metabolic syndrome as this style of eating essentially “resets” energy metabolism and reverses metabolic syndrome. I have also personally overseen dozens of cases of reversed type 2 diabetes using this dietary strategy. My opinion as a trained clinician is that metabolic syndrome and type 1.5/2/3 diabetes are not diseases, but rather poor nutritional states that are indeed reversible in the vast majority of cases.
There are thousands of online resources available that vary in their understanding and instruction of the ketogenic diet, but my favorite two will be provided below. The key to success on the ketogenic diet is to not be afraid in the kitchen or to try new things. Those who are too picky with foods or who are not willing to put in the work will struggle. There are also a couple of nutritional ideas that have been propagandized in the Creed States that are untrue and can lead to cognitive dissonance when considering the ketogenic diet:
1) Fat makes you fat – false
2) Cholesterol is the reason for cardiovascular disease – false
Ketogenic resource sites:
Keep in mind that regardless of the style of diet you choose, be it ketogenic, paleogenic, carnivore, or Mediterranean, which are all significant improvements compared to the aptly named standard American diet (SAD), stick with God food, not Man food, and be well.