Cancer Treatment

Cancer Treatment
I can testify that finding the right cancer treatment can be an overwhelming decision. There are treatments available in other countries that really do work. However, there are a lot of scammers that prey upon the venerable. The best tip I can give you is to make sure the organization has an oncologist on staff.
I am not a doctor and am not qualified to give medical advice, but I am qualified to share my story. The organization I used is located in Cancun, Mexico. I am forever grateful that I received a cutting-edge new cancer treatment. It is currently in clinical trials in the United States, but it is only FDA approved in USA trials for a few types of cancer. The scientist from the USA opened a clinic in Mexico, where he uses this cutting-edge treatment to treat all solid tumors (not able to treat blood cancers).
It is my understanding that the reason cancers manifest in the body because the immune system is not recognizing the threat and dealing with it like it does when it recognizes and deals with a virus and other illness. I believe this cutting-edge new treatment got my immune system involved in the battle far greater than the immunotherapies that I received as standard care in the USA. My understanding is that conventional immunotherapies rev up the immune system, but they do not train your immune system to recognize the threat.
The treatment I received trained the commander cells of my immune system to recognize my cancer and fight it. This is the most effective way I have found to get the immune system aimed at the target, after you are aimed at the target, I believe revving up your immune system with conventional immunotherapy treatments will make them much more effective. Before I received this new cancer treatment, I was experiencing rapid progression, so I chose to take chemo after this treatment trained my immune system, and my disease became no longer detectable on my signatera report within a few months.
Big Pharma
Why is this treatment not available to all cancer patients? I believe I have the answer. My Cabometyx and immunotherapies cost about $25,000 to $30,000 a month, and that is just money from me, a single cancer patient. Imagine how much money that is for all cancer patients in America. The CDC said there were about two million new cases in just 2022. If all new cancer cases are receiving the same conventional treatment as I did, that would mean Big Pharma makes at least $720 billion on new cancer patients each year.
That number is a bit inflated because the older Chemotherapies are not as expensive as the treatments I was taking, but the bottom line is Big Pharma would be losing big money if an effective treatment for cancer were available to every cancer patient in America.
There is plenty of evidence that proves the Big Pharma corporations have knowingly developed extremely addictive opioid drugs that can easily kill people. Big Pharma marketed the drugs to doctors and provided financial incentives for them to prescribe the addictive substances. This business has boomed from 1990’s to present day. Hundreds of thousands of people died because of the opioid epidemic. According to the CDC, from the years 1999-2021, nearly 645,000 people lost their lives due to an overdose involving an opioid.
It is no secret that Big Pharma has a long history of unethical behavior. Behavior that makes them rich, and creates suffering for the people. I can tell you from my own experience that Big Pharma is also not behaving ethically in the arena of cancer care. I want to be clear; I have received the conventional treatments and I am very grateful they have worked well for me, but there are some excellent new cutting-edge treatments that are not getting enough attention.
The Future of Cancer Treatment
At Immunocine Cancer Center, I received Immunocine Dendritic Cell Treatment (IDCT) utilizes a vaccine that is made using the patient’s tumor tissue and dendritic cells. Scientists discovered in the 1990’s that dendritic cells function as the commanders of the immune system. These cells tell your immune system how and when to deal with an issue. No one could figure out how to get the dendritic cells to recognize a problem and deal with it until 2004. Scientists soon discovered how to train dendritic cells to kill cancer.
Doctors harvest the patient’s dendritic cells from their blood. After that, they double load the dendritic cells in the tumor tissue’s DNA, meaning they load dendritic cell on the inside and also on the outside of the cancer DNA they want to destroy. This double loading technique is what makes the dendric cells recognize and attack the cancer cells. After the dendritic cells are trained, they are injected back into the patient’s body close to a healthy draining lymph node. This placement allows the trained dendritic cells to travel throughout the entire body and teach the rest of the immune system how to attack the cancer DNA.
Despite the fact that this treatment is effective with any solid tumor types of cancer, only cancers of the brain and pancreas are being explored in FDA clinical trials. Patients with other types of cancer cannot be treated in the United States. I had to flee the United States and the regulatory reach of the FDA to receive IDCT for my advanced stage unclassified kidney cancer. The treatment is not covered by insurance, and it cost about $100,000 to pay for the travel and medical expenses.
The CDC says annual cancer cases will increase by 49% in the years between 2015 and 2050. IDCT can work for almost any kind of cancer, and the positive response rate is much better with far less side effects when compared to chemotherapy and other conventional treatments. My opinion is this should be the first treatment for all solid tumor cancer cases because I believe conventional treatments will work better after the immune system is trained to join the fight.
The United Party invites you to take responsibility for coming together and bringing healing to our country. The United Party is raising money to bring cutting edge new cancer treatments to as many cancer patients as possible. We the people are responsible for coming together to heal our toxic culture. Be Golden is our path to unity and resolution. One third of your donations to The United Party go towards our cancer mission.
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