Are You Toxic? – What you should know about toxins in your world and how to get rid of them

If you’re reading this, you are likely to be mor
Detoxifying regimen
e tuned into your health than most folks. Most people that I talk to aren’t even remotely aware of one of the most important aspects of maintaining their health in the modern western world. I am talking about an active detoxifying regimen.
There are a multitude of reasons for why this is the case. First, to maintain the illusion that our society promotes health and wellness, the issue of toxins and chemicals in our society and their impact is rarely discussed leading to ignorance about the subject. Second, once this knowledge is received few people are aware of what they can do to combat this assault on our bodies. Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world and corruption is around every corner and under every rock in our society.
The poisons that have been created to facilitate industry in the modern world are not likely going away any time soon. Allow me to bring an informed perspective to arm you with the truth so you can learn how to protect yourself, your family, and your community.
Most of us have at least heard about pollution. Pollution was a big public concern back in the 70’s and 80’s with anti-littering campaigns with imagery of crying native Americans, but since that time the push has been to focus more on climate change, which in my opinion is a big nothing burger compared to the real climate catastrophe of pollution.
There are from time to time news articles about air pollution (the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking), the pollution of our oceans, and fresh water (The great pacific garbage patch, lead in the Flint, Michigan municipal water supply, and the catastrophe from the February 2023 train wreck in Ohio which released multiple toxic chemicals like vinyl chloride into the environment), but these stories rarely make front page news, and even when they do I think most people likely don’t consider them relevant to themselves or their families or communities. The truth is startling to say the least so let me share with you some relevant data that may change the way you think about this issue.
A recent study from the U.S. Geological survey found that nearly half of all tap water in the United States is contaminated with the “forever chemicals” PFAS and PFOS. These chemicals are linked to thyroid disease, cholesterol imbalances, decreased fertility and hormone suppression, liver damage, and also cancer and can be very problematic for health even at very low levels according to the EPA.
Another common practice in municipal water systems is fluoridating the water to reduce cavity formation in teeth, and kill living contaminants, a practice that came directly from the U.S nuclear arms program (Manhattan Project) as fluoride is a nuclear waste byproduct. It was sold to the American public that fluoride improves dental health and reduces cavity formation.
According to the CDC, over 70% of municipal water supplies are still fluoridating water. Fluoride has no beneficial effect on health, and has been linked to dental fluorosis, cancer, arthritis, reduced IQ, adverse effects during pregnancy, and kidney disease. Overall, there have been at least 80,000 new chemicals released into the environment since World War II (although some estimates are as high as 50 million) and most of these have not been adequately tested for their impact on human health as reported in a 2008 study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
This same study also states, “there have been no tests to assess the combined impacts of the “chemical soup” to which children are exposed. WHO, UNICEF, and UNEP have reported a growing number of children’s health impacts caused by exposure to hazardous chemicals, including asthma, birth defects, hypospadias, behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, autism, cancer, dysfunctional immune systems, neurological impairments, and reproductive disorders.” With that being said, it is also true that cancer, autism, and behavioral and learning disorders are now at all-time record highs. Additionally, our domestic food supply is contaminated with herbicides and pesticides, and many of them in the United States are also genetically modified which comes with it’s own set of health problems.
Overall, what most people are completely unaware of is that we are all living in that toxic “chemical soup” that is mentioned in multiple studies. Unfortunately, if you talk to your conventionally practicing healthcare provider about this topic, you will find that they are mostly ignorant about it as we are not trained in medical schools about the relationship between chemicals and health outside of the pharmacology domain.
The assumption of most people corresponds to the old DuPont advertising slogan, and incidentally this same slogan was also uttered by my medical school pharmacology professor, “better living through chemistry.” Public relations, AKA propaganda utilized skillfully by various industries has worked wonderfully to keep most people blind to this imminent and growing threat to our health.
Now that I have taken you deep into the nightmare, let me wake you up and let you know that not all is lost. There are many things that can be done to minimize these impacts and detoxify your body from exposures to these chemicals. The first thing and likely the most impactful strategy that can be employed in this endeavor is to avoid these chemicals in the first place. I highly recommend that people utilize water filtration in their homes to avoid the many chemicals that find their way into the water supply.
I would say that any filtration is an improvement over the inadequacies of the current systems that are in place, but the best filtration is reverse osmosis. These systems can be easily installed under a kitchen sink, or even better installed for the entire home.
Reverse osmosis takes over 99% of contaminants out of the water, but they also take out the good mineral content of the water which is a negative aspect which can be easily overcome by the addition of a re-mineralization or alkalinizing filter to the system. Systems for drinking water installed under the kitchen sink are relative inexpensive ($200-ish).
Whole home systems are quite a bit more expensive and can cost several thousand dollars although they also protect you from absorbing these chemicals through the skin when you are bathing, which can be problematic in some individuals who may be more sensitive to these chemicals. Another tip would be to avoid these harmful chemicals by making more informed choices in the food that you eat. Eliminating or avoiding processed foods including fast-foods are a start.
It is also beneficial to avoid regular eating out in general, as restaurants rarely use organic ingredients and commonly use genetically modified ingredients as they are the least expensive and allow for increased profits. Organic produce, free range grass-fed/finished beef, free-range organic poultry/pork, and wild-caught (not farmed) fish are the best choices.
I regularly hear from people that they are skeptical about the “organic” label, and I completely understand as these foods still can contain “approved” chemicals. However, if you don’t eat from your perfectly clean home garden, the “organic” foods are still a significant step in the right direction. I like to use the phrase, “Eat God food, not man food” to illustrate this point. Man foods come from the commercial agriculture system which unfortunately has become entirely dependent on chemicals.
Think about a cow that is raised conventionally. It is given vaccines, steroids, antibiotics, hormones, and is fed a completely unnatural diet that consists mostly of pesticide/herbicide laden genetically modified grains to speed growth and maximize profits. This combined with the concentration-camp like environment of the feed lot ensures that these animals are unhealthy. People from bygone years who were more intimately connected with their food supply understood that it isn’t good to eat sick or unhealthy animals.
Due to our modern disconnection from where our food comes from, and deceptive labeling laws, it can be very difficult to understand this nuanced approach when deciding what to eat. Another thing to consider would be upgrading your homes HVAC system with HEPA-filtration, or invest in a HEPA air purifier.
Most people are surprised to find out that the air inside your home is likely to be up to 5 times more toxic than outdoor air, according to the EPA and HEPA filters are much more beneficial in reducing this exposure compared to the regular air filters that are commonly used in these systems. Finally, consider the personal-care products and cleaning products that we have in our homes. These products are almost always packed full of toxic ingredients, and there are cleaner options that in some cases are actually much less expensive.
Avoiding these chemicals and toxins with the above strategies will get you started on the path of improved quality of life, but you have already been exposed and are likely carrying a toxic load. The environmental working group (EWG) reviewed a study from the CDC in 2022 and found that over 80% of adults and 87% of children had measurable amounts of glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, in their urine. So how can we actively detox? The first thing I recommend is typically a sauna done at least 2-3 times per week.
Our skin is one of our most important detox organs, and sweating regularly speeds detoxification. A study from 2015 found that using sauna 4-7 times weekly reduced all-cause mortality by 40% compared to using it only once weekly. And 2-3 times weekly reduced all-cause mortality by 24% compared to once weekly use. This alone is mindboggling. There are very few things I can think of that can give you this level of reduction in all-cause mortality. Any type of sauna will work as long as you can get a good sweat going.
If you’re struggling with sweating while you’re in the sauna or during exercise, it’s a sign that your body’s detoxification system isn’t functioning optimally and you should seek professional guidance. Exercise is another important aspect of detoxification and aids in mobilizing toxins for elimination. To optimize health, I recommend 90-150 minutes per week of moderate cardiovascular exercises like brisk walking, jogging, rowing, or biking, and some sort of resistance training twice weekly.
This can be weights, kettlebell, calisthenics, or resistance bands. Next, castor oil packs over the liver can speed the liver’s ability to process toxins. There are multiple resources online that discuss how to do these and they can be done daily for maximal impact. Another practice that can speed up detoxification is the use of coffee enemas.
Although it may seem odd if you’ve never heard of this, the caffeine in coffee when put in the rectum/colon travels directly to the liver through the hepatic portal vein in the large intestine and improves the liver’s ability to detox. Finally, there are a handful of helpful supplements that can aid in detox through optimizing liver function. These are:
Alpha Lipoic Acid – 600-900mg daily, split into 2-3 doses
N-Acetyl Cysteine – 1200mg daily, split into 2 doses
TUDCA – 500mg daily
In conclusion, following the steps listed above will both limit your toxic exposure and aid in the body’s innate ability to detoxify. Some of these recommendations are more difficult than others to accomplish and some require an investment in resources. Do what you can and what is applicable to your situation, and when you find yourself struggling to make the right decision which will inevitably happen, always remember that comfort and convenience is what kill us.
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