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Published On: July 1, 2024Categories: Artificial Intelligence and Society
A robotic hand reaching out to touch a human hand, symbolizing the connection between technology and humanity.

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AI and Tech

The Troubling Truth

After I tragically lost my dad, I was left with many questions. Why do so many of us struggle to find happiness? Why has this struggle progressed from the beginning of humanity to the present day? Why has mental illness skyrocketed in recent years? How did we get to this point? Why has America lost its moral compass? I was overwhelmed with a desire to find the truth. I concluded that one of the major causes of mental illness in America is that we believe that the people in control know what is best for the rest of us. As we have submitted to a divisive political system, our morality and spiritual awareness have eroded. We have accepted a very limited understanding of ourselves. The divisive political system has not been beneficial for our self-esteem.

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